
New beginners lessons starting on January 6. Scroll down and check out the preliminary program. I’m also still looking for an indoor space for a few evenings per week in Kos town.

In the lessons you will learn a form called ‘Tai Chi for arthritis and fall prevention’. It is however very beneficial for many other health issues.

Dr. Paul Lam, a doctor and master of Tai Chi, was diagnosed with arthritis when he was just a child. He started Tai Chi when he was a student. It helped him so much that he started creating a form specifically for arthritis.

Science has proved by now how beneficially this form is for patients with arthritis, but also for people with other health issues.

Dr. Paul Lam is over 70 years old now and traveling over the world to spread his word and forms about Tai Chi and health.

If you want to become more relaxed, healthier and happier I have a scientifically proved method to help you reach your goals in a slow, soft and easy way.


Do you really need to relax or do something to improve your health?

Have a look at the program in Kos town and join us!

Membership plans:

Beginners  package of 12 lessons – €70


  • One separate lesson – €7
  • One lesson per week – €24 per month (at least €4 profit)
  • Two lessons per week – €35 per month (at least €21 profit)
  • 10 Sessions card – €60 valid for 2 months (€10 profit)

Private lessons: Contact me

Contact me if you are interested.

Hope to see you soon at the classes in Kos town!


Monday 10.00 – 11.00 Advanced Beach close to Baltic
16.00 – 17.00 Advanced Park close to Baltic
Tuesday 11.00 – 12.00 Beginners Beach close to Baltic
16.00 – 17.00 Beginners Park behind Kaseta
Thursday 10.00 – 11.00 Advanced Beach close to Baltic
16.00 – 17.00 Advanced Park close to Baltic
Friday 11.00 – 12.00 Beginners Beach close to Baltic
16.00 – 17.00 Beginners Park behind Kaseta

Tai Chi For Health

A Tai Chi form is a sequence of several movements in a row, which is carried out in a fixed choreography according to the Tai Chi principles.

There are different Tai Chi styles

Sun Style

The Sun style is particularly suitable for health.

The form you will learn was developed by medical doctor and Tai Chi master Dr. Paul Lam together with his team of medical specialists and Tai Chi experts. They used the Sun style because of its health benefits.

He called the form ‘Tai Chi for Arthritis’, but it has many benefits for other health issues as well, like back pain, Parkinson’s, fall prevention.

The 24 Form

The 24 form is a Yang style form.

It is the most popular form in the world.

It was developed in 1956 in China by a team of Tai Chi masters to introduce Tai Chi as exercise.

Nowadays it is practised in the parks in China and all over the world.

Tai Chi on the beach

For Tai Chi, the beach at ‘Strand Beach’ and ‘Uniq’ at Averof Street in Kos town is perfect. There are verandas where we can be protected against the rain and the wind.

Tai Chi on the beach has nice benefits:

  • The fresh sea air is very healthy for your lungs
  • Sea air promotes the concentration of oxygen in your blood
  • It also boosts your immune system
  • The sounds of the sea and the sea birds are sooo relaxing
  • Fresh air and certainly sea air deepen your sleep

Practising on the sand is a bit more challenging, if you like that. Otherwise you can practise on the wood of the verandas.

Tai Chi in the park

The park behind ‘Kaseta’ is a beautiful place and the place to be for the beginners lessons:

  • in the centre of Kos town
  • surrounded by archaeology of different periods of history
  • close to the harbour and the sea
  • there is fresh air from the trees and the sea
  • plenty of space
  • natural (sun)light
  • and the soothing effect of the green environment

Practising Tai Chi in the park charges your energetic system. You are influenced by the energy of the place where you are.

The advanced lessons are in the park on the street going to ‘Baltic’ and ‘Papa’s Beach’.

Εxercising outdoors:

  • has a positive effect on your vitality, your enthusiasm, liveliness and energy
  • it increases happiness and improves the immune system
  • it reduces blood pressure, anxiety, aggression and ADHD symptoms

Tai Chi has everything to do with natural movement.

Just like the trees you are firmly rooted in the earth. Your crown reaches up to the sky. You move effortlessly like clouds that pass silently in the sky.

Private lessons

Some people just prefer private lessons.

Or perhaps it is impossible for you to come to the outdoor lessons.

Advantages of private lessons:

  • there can be more attention to your personal needs
  • learn at your own pace
  • adjusting the movements to your individual capabilities

Contact me to make an appointment.

Qi Gong

Qi Gong are separate exercises in the same style as Tai Chi. The same exercise is done many times  one after another. .

The focus in these exercises is on one certain part of the body, where with Tai Chi the focus is on the whole body.